Wednesday, October 10, 2007


After creating a podcast I learned that it can be a very helpful tool in the classroom for helping children to learn information audibly. For example, I created a podcast that is a song to help kids learn the 50 states. I would inform teachers though that it is important to use the podcast to enhance learning and not be the sole focus of a lesson. For instance, I would have students not just memorize the 50 states but put it into context by teaching them where these states are on a map or have them label a map. I think that for the first podcast it was a slow process but I know the more and more I create the better and faster I would get. I would tell newbie podcasters to be patient because it will go slow at first and may be frustrating but once they get the hang of it they will be fine.


Emma Dreyer said...

I like your idea of having the podcast enhance the lesson but not be the whole lesson. You gave good advice to newbie podcasters.

Heather said...

I completely agree with advising to be patient. There were many times when I was frustrated! =)

Ray said...

Hi Christine,
I too at first had some difficulty getting started with my podcast. Soon I got the hang of it and realized just how easy podcasting really is. I had issues more with lowering the music for the part where I'm speaking over it. I also agree podcasts should be used to enhance a lesson. I was thinking of using them for students to listen to at home, as well, so they can have the information at their disposal.

riss said...

Creating a song was a wonderful idea! Learning the 50 states is one of the hardest things... I think... and a song is very helpful!