Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I was born in Ft. Rucker Alabama on a military base. My Dad was in the Army. Since then I have lived in many different places: Ohio, Korea, Georgia, Louisiana, Florida, and now Colorado. I loved sugar creek in Ohio, the old man who sold me hot spicy rice cakes in Korea, listening to the trumpets in the morning and evenings when I lived on the base in Georgia, Mari Gras in Louisiana, the white sandy beaches of Pensacola, Florida, and the breathtaking mountains of Colorado. God has been so good to me blessing my eyes to see and experience so many things.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

tech integration

Technology integration means incorporating technology into classroom where students can learn content material and how to use technology.

Educational Technology- Is that technology that can be used in the classroom to enhance learning software, powerpoint, inspiration, word, podcasts, simulations, internet, email, digital cameras, etc.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

technology from the moment I wake up

I wake up in the morning to my radio alarm clock
I go to the kitchen and toast something in our toaster oven
I go to class and watch a power point
I do homework on blended education
I post things on forums for my classes
I send assignments via email
I check email and facebook
I write papers on Word
I search the internet
I drive a car

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


After creating a podcast I learned that it can be a very helpful tool in the classroom for helping children to learn information audibly. For example, I created a podcast that is a song to help kids learn the 50 states. I would inform teachers though that it is important to use the podcast to enhance learning and not be the sole focus of a lesson. For instance, I would have students not just memorize the 50 states but put it into context by teaching them where these states are on a map or have them label a map. I think that for the first podcast it was a slow process but I know the more and more I create the better and faster I would get. I would tell newbie podcasters to be patient because it will go slow at first and may be frustrating but once they get the hang of it they will be fine.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


Yes, I will attempt to use podcasting in my classroom. After reading an article last night about all the different learning experiences podcasting brings into the classroom I am willing to implement this technology into my classroom. For instance, I really liked the fact that you can bring "expert voices" into the classroom through podcasts. Instead of having to find a guest speaker and make arrangements for them to come or arrange for the class to go and see them one can just bring someone into the classroom at the click of a button. Also, I like the idea of using podcasting for assessment. The teacher can have students make their own podcasts throughout the semester about what they are learning and it can serve as a portfolio at the end for the teacher to see their progress. With these practical uses that podcasts bring into the classroom I feel ready to bring them into my classroom.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Potential use of wikis

After learning about wikis I definitely see the potential that they have for the classroom. They are a great way for the teacher to build classroom community. With a wiki the teacher is able to keep the parents and students informed on what is going on the classroom on a regular basis. Sometimes notes will not make it home to parents or the students are just not good at letting their parents know what is going on in class. With a wiki parents will have access to whatever you want them to be informed about. I think I have more of a willingness to include wikis in my classroom now that I have gained some experience in using them. I see the potential they have and how they can be very useful in my classroom.

Monday, September 24, 2007


The idea of using wikis in the classroom excites me...I think it would be great for getting students to write and as a "peer editing" tool. The only concern I have with this is that in a wiki anyone can write anything so hopefully the students will be nice and respectful to each other.